Saturday, September 16, 2006

Causes and Events

In the name of God The Merciful and Beneficient, I say from my limited knowledge and thinking;
An event of reading

If events and causes are co related, it can can cause an infinite loop of events that causes the same causes that caused the event.

Examples in a System of (where Causes are borned first):

1 Event, 2 Causes.
Cause 1 := causes event 1
Cause 2 := cause event 1
Event 1 := generates Cause 1
Event 1 := generates Cause 2

if we go through this,
Cause 1 causes event 1, in turn event 1 generates Cause 1 which in turn causes Event 1 and goes is an infinite loop.

System of:
2 Events 2 Causes
Cause 1 := causes event 1
Cause 2 := causes event 2

Event 1 := generates Cause 2
Event 2 := generates Cause 1

Again if we go through this,

Cause 1 causes Event 1 that in turn generates Cause 2 that causes Event 2 generates Cause 1 and is an infinite loop.

lets redescribe the above causes,
Cause 1 := causes event 2
Cause 2 := causes event 1

Lets go through this:
Cause 1 causes event 2, in turn, event 2 generates Cause 1, and the loop goes on.

lets redescribe the above causes,
Cause 1 := causes event 2
Cause 2 := causes event 2
Lets go through this:
Cause 1 causes event 2, in turn,
event 2 causes Cause 1, which is a loop.

In this universe, there are many yet finite (if the universe is considered as finite) causes and events that are correlated to each other in a specific manner.
Hence there is always a loop, that similar things can happen more then one time, but the loop is so far apart that typically one's life time, is not enough for it to witness.
For God has said that everything in this universe is created in a systematic way, and everything follows its own way as prescribed.

It is like watching ants how they follow and we think that their job is, searching, managing, leader'ing', following, communicating etc with each other, is so similar to us humans, that a greater being than us may call us ants, following one another yet the only one who is different is the one who thinks. Thinking leads to discovery of causes that we not know of but that they exist in time.
Suppose that there is no neuclear bomb, but the event is there in time, it is just a matter of thinking to find out the Cause. For these Causes and Events are predefined, and I believe this is what is called as 'Every human is predestined". For these predefinitions did not merely created it self, for if it did, then the next question is What is "nothing"?, indeed our knowledge and thinking is limited to this universe, and one can never define nothing, but theories and assumptions, that are itself inside the universal system, and is an infinite loop.

Glorious is God for All Glories Belong to The Eternal, The Knower of All.


Blogger *Dulce* said...

woah. thats making my head hurt. too much information in one sitting :D

12:23 PM  

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